Friday, March 22, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The locket

Among the recovered personal effects of the senior Woolcotts was a locket with shadow portraits of what might have been Emma and Philip's grandparents.

It seems innocuous enough, but of course there is more to it than meets the eye. If you turn the glass just so, the portraits vanish and what remains is a sophisticated cypher.

When Emma brings her locket "to the jeweller for repairs," she is actually getting the updated codes from her mysterious emloyer.

rough concept sketch of Emma's locket

Friday, January 25, 2013

Please stand by

A bit off my pace. This week's post is coming. I promise. Just need an extra day.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The New Girl

So sorry, my lovelies. I was out of town last week, so, alas, I neglected to post. But now I am back, and so is Vixens Vendredi (-ish).

And today, we bring you The New Girl.

Don't let that wooden leg fool you; she's still the most agile human being alive.

What's her real name? Your guess is as good as mine. To date, she's introduced herself as Carmen, Lenore, Giselle, Odile, Isolde, Elisabeth, Beatrice, Elektra, Dorabella, Pamina, Semele, and Amastre. How she knows so much about opera and ballet is a bit of a mystery as well, but it is rumoured that she was a prima ballerina before she lost her leg.

I'm not sure if she features in the first story arc, which is more or less laid out at this time, but she's definitely waiting in the wings. If this were Charlie's Angels, she'd probably be Cheryl Ladd.

That's a wrap for this week.